About HC&D, LLC
Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. was formed in 1908 by a quarry owner, three construction men, and a retired sea captain. The base of the business was the draying of construction materials by horse-drawn wagons. In the business community, the company became known as HC&D. In 1932, a moving and storage division was formed with quarrying and ready-mix concrete remaining the major business operation.
During the 1930's and 1940's, quarries were located in Palolo and Moiliili, but in 1949, rock production moved to the Kapaa Quarry site due to increasing suburban development. The present quarry is the second site in the Kapaa area and covers approximately 416 acres. The company produces the majority of aggregate for subbase preparation, ready-mix concrete and asphaltic concrete, and has met market demands with capital improvements to increase production capacities.
In late 1967, HC&D became a wholly owned subsidiary of American Pipe and Construction Co. of Monterey Park, California (Ameron, Inc.). For many years, Ameron and HC&D supplied concrete pipe to many of Hawaii's major water transmission lines and sewage systems as a joint venture. In 1977, HC&D merged with Ameron, Inc. and became officially known as Ameron HC&D. In 1996, Ameron, Inc. changed its name to Ameron International Corporation, and Ameron HC&D followed with a name change to Ameron Hawaii for the next 18 years.
After 47 years of mainland corporate ownership, in 2014, Ameron Hawaii returned to local ownership and returned to our 1908 roots by changing our name back to HC&D as tribute to our original name.
On Oahu, the primary concrete batching facility is located on Sand Island Access Road as are the administrative offices, with satellite plants located at Kapaa Quarry and Campbell Industrial Park. The primary batch plants are central mix plants. A fleet of 50 plus mixer trucks services our customers from the batching plants.
The company also has facilities on Maui for aggregate, sand and ready-mix concrete production. A central plant is located in the Kahului area at Camp 10, with a fleet of 20+ mixer trucks and satellite plants located in Kihei and Honokowai.
HC&D is the premier producer of the highest quality concrete on Oahu and Maui.
"We are excited to continue the legacy and provide our customers with the same top level service we always strive for no matter what our name is or has been. We are very fortunate to count the entire gamut of homeowners, owners and contractors, from small to very large, as our customers – we owe them all tremendous gratitude in providing for our success for 108 years and look forward to continuing the relationships for another 100 years."

Company Contact
Rick Volner, Jr. |
877-5068 |
www.hcdhawaii.com |
877-5060 |